PNMIN Project
- As part of the implementation of the National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan (PNMN) 2016-2020, the Ivorian Government is receiving financial support from the European Union and technical support from UNICEF to set up a an integrated and efficient system of collecting information on nutrition known as the National Multisectoral Information Platform for Nutrition (PNMIN);
- In Côte d'Ivoire, the National Multisectoral Nutrition Information Platform will facilitate multisectoral and multi-stakeholder dialogue on nutrition, support the use of existing information and data to develop and adjust policies and programs to prevent malnutrition;
- As malnutrition is a multifactorial and multisectoral problem, it is imperative that all sectors play their part in achieving the 2020 targets. It is in this context that the STP through the Multisectoral National Platform Information for Nutrition has developed this Operational Plan.
- Support the use of existing information and data to develop and adjust policies and programs.
- Strengthen national capacities to centralize, manage and analyze information and data from all sectors that influence nutrition;
- Disseminate and use information to better guide the country in decision-making to prevent malnutrition and its consequences.
- Identify information needs and challenges for data quality, completeness and consistency;
- Create and consolidate a database of information and data available from all sectors and levels;
- Optimize the analysis and interpretation of existing information and data on nutrition;
- Provide information to meet the needs of government and stakeholders;
- Argue on the effectiveness of interventions, programs, approaches and investments to prevent malnutrition;
- National and regional monitoring of progress made to prevent malnutrition;
- Reinforce the responsibility of the actors involved in their commitments to reduce malnutrition;
- Produce regular reports, statistical summaries, explanatory notes and other briefing materials to feed national databases and information systems.